Non-Scale Victory- (No longer do I have to wait to tie my shoes)

Posted: June 3, 2018 in Articles, keto
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Where I work at I have to do “rounds” around our complex to ensure that all the property is safe and secure.

Today as I walked the perimeter enjoying the sweet sunshine I looked down and noticed my shoe untied.

I thought to myself “dang!!! Well…I’ll wait until I finish rounds so that I can sit down and take care of that darn shoe!!!”

I walked about another 20 feet and then thought to myself “wait a darn minute as I looked down at the shoe. I can tie that thing right now!!!”

I then started literally laughing out loud because though I have lost 70lbs since being on keto I guess my mind automatically went back to those days when if my shoe was untied that I’d have to sit down and hold my breath to tie it because my stomach had gotten so big.

So after a good, long laugh (I bet my co-worker was looking at the security monitors saying “what’s wrong with him? Why the heck is he slapping his leg and laughing so hard?”) I bent over, ties the darn shoe and continued on the completion of my duties taking the long way around as I do all of the time now (STILL would rather lift my heavy weights than do cardio 😂 but I can run again if I want to so there).

So far removed from that dude but even now the mind still has a trick or two for the Big Black Dude! 😂

Ron “Big Black Garrett

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