Today’s Rant: For Those Who Hypocritically Criticize Burger King For Moving To “Oh, Canada”

Posted: August 28, 2014 in Articles, Constitution, Founding Fathers, Freedom, government, Politics
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I am amazed at how so many people have bought into criticizing Burger King for moving to Canada simply because the stewards of the company are seeking relief from the 40% tax rate for businesses in this country instead of the 26% rate in Canada.

I love hearing these ignorant people complain about this yet I know many of them and they look for discounts wherever they can get them, they clip coupons to save money, they eschew more expensive restaurants for ones that offer the same type of food but at a cheaper price, they will review and choose phone companies (TV providers/grocery stores etc.) for the cheapest price with the most value YET they expect a company whose business IS TO MAKE MONEY to not do the same!

How idiotic and hypocritical!

For those that are guilty of this I expect you to live your life they way that you are preaching that a corporation (which has been deemed evil but is mostly made of SMALL shareholders retirement investments) should spend their money.

I expect that you should choose the most expensive restaurant instead of a cheaper more value-based one to show your concern for the people that may lose their jobs if you don’t patronize it…in other words stop thinking of you and your family’s budget and what’s best for you and look out for the interest of other’s financial needs EVEN IF that restaurant continually squanders it’s income like our government does.

Give your business to businesses who make bad financial decisions and charge you a higher price to make up for them while they then try to make you feel guilty by using the plight of the employee’s children or their medical needs to get you to continue to patronize them even though there may be another, better option at a cheaper price and thus a better decision for you and your family.

I am always amazed at how people love to hypocritically tell someone else just because they have more money than them how they should sacrifice for the greater good when they hypocritically don’t live their lives the way that they instruct others to.

To prove my point to those of you who hypocritically tell others to “sacrifice” for others I want you to go to your living room, take that big screen or computer, or most of the food in your refrigerator and donate it to someone who doesn’t have what you have access to right now.

Even if you are not “rich” you are “rich” to someone who doesn’t have what you have and it is hypocritical for you to criticize someone who has more than you for not sacrificing more for someone who has less if you are not similarly willing to do the same for someone who has less than you have.

The problems is NOT with Burger King or any other “rich” corporations being greedy the problem is with our government being greedy and thinking that it has a right to most of what someone else has earned even though they haven’t done a darn thing to help them earn it.

When I watch the waste that our government produces with our tax dollars (remember, I work for them) under previous administrations from the birth of this nation and continued under the current one who assured us that they would end or at least stifle “waste” (but has nary made a dent in it) I get so mad that I could just spit.

And then to know that they continually lie to “we the people” and then turn us against each other while stealing out of our pockets as we fight each other again makes me so mad that I could simply spit.

We need to stop vilifying those who are simply trying to make the best profit they can just because our government-ran schools have taught the last, few generations that being “taxed” is patriotic when this country was founded on just the opposite and one of the main reasons that we as a nation exists today is because of the confiscatory taxes that “Mother England” was imposing on the colonists so the people “rose up”, revolted against, and eventually became independent from the British Empire.

I have no issue in protecting “we the people” against predatory companies who in their insatiable appetite for capital practice an evil way of doing business to rape and pillage unsuspecting consumers but the majority of business in this country ARE small businesses who are just trying to put out good products at a fair price so that they can provide wealth for them and their families and I for one have no issue in trying to penalize them just because they are successful.

Lastly and unlike our benevolent government MOST of these companies give back out of the profits that they earn to their communities out of the capital that they have earned and not from the money that is “forced” from the taxpayer like our government does.

Those are my thoughts…you can like’em, love’em, or leave’em!

Ron “Big Black” Garrett

  1. Personally, I wish everyone would start back to cooking homemade meals, growing and raising their own staples.
    And Yes, we have a “greedy government”. Sigh!

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