Posts Tagged ‘Christ’

“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.”
Romans 1:8

In this verse, Paul praises the faith-filled Christians living in Rome. At first glance, it’s easy to miss the historical significance of Paul’s admiration. Consider this: Rome was a perverse culture-a modern-day mixture of Vegas and Hollywood, if you will. At the time of this writing, around 56 AD, Rome’s extravagant society was focused on self-pleasure rather than service. As a result, they marginalized the sick and elderly, and they even discarded their unwanted infants. Sound familiar?

Now imagine a group of these same selfish people believing in something deep enough to change their lifestyle. With Jesus’ love in their heart, and the knowledge of His Good Samaritan message to care for the less fortunate, they took it upon themselves to help the poor, sick, and destitute. No wonder the Christians stood out. Their actions altered the ethical temperature of Rome. And Paul, living some 600 miles away in Corinth, Greece, marveled at their reputation spreading throughout the world. What sacrifice! What faith! What a reflection of Christ to live out Jesus’ second commandment to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39).

Our spiritual reputation is what others think when they hear our name. What message are we conveying to those around us: selflessness, humbleness, and unconditional love? One of the best parts of following Christ is that He is always refining our reputations. He gives us opportunities when He whispers for us to invite someone to church, help a neighbor in need, or simply offer a listening ear to a hurting friend. When we become the hands and feet of Jesus, people take notice. We look different. Act different. And that’s when barriers are torn down and doors are opened for us to share why we believe what we believe.

We profess our faith by sharing what God’s doing in our lives, serving others, and following His internal nudges on our heart. Our neighbors are watching. Our co-workers, childcare providers, even our waiters and waitresses observe our behavior, whether we realize it or not. What evidence of faith is Christ stirring in you to help shape your spiritual reputation?

Tony Griffin

Today’s massacre in Aurora is a stark reminder that no one is guaranteed to live a long life on this Earth but all have the choice to receive eternal life through a God who died on the cross for every man, woman, and child.  This tragedy was a complete horror but the most compelling thought that came to my mind when I found out about it besides praying for the grieving families and for the soul of the young man who perpetrated the crime is that I pray that every one of the people killed had received the gift of salvation.  This thought came to my mind because as many of you know we just wrapped up our yearly youth camp Verge 2012 where we saw well over 100 youths receive the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ and many more had generational curses that have been spoken over theirs and their families lives broken off of them as well as many afflictions and sin issues that have beset them for most or part of their young lives.  This incident is a reminder to anyone that is devoid of Christ that we must not wait and take for granted that we can always receive the salvation that He suffered and died for all of us on a tree over 2000 years ago thinking that we can “do it tomorrow” or wait until Sunday, or wait until “the time is right” etc., for we have a real enemy who speaks into and controls the minds and deeds of those that serve His purposes that wishes to “kill” us before we can receive eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Is this you today?  If you were caught up in one of the many tragic events that have happened since the fall of man or in any of the ones that are surely to come as this world continues to decay as it heads towards the fulfillment of the “end times” as prophesied in the Holy Scriptures in the Bible?  Are you sitting wherever you are reading this knowing that you are in a period of besetting or “casual” sin (no such thing BTW) and need to repent (turn away) of it and ask the Lord for forgiveness and help to over come it?  Are you reading this and are foolishly thinking that “all is well” with you and the Lord yet you have turned your back on Him by your disobedience to His word and instead of hearing “well done thy faithful servant” when Christ returns you will hear “I do not know you”?

If this you today all is not lost for if you are reading this you still have the opportunity to ask for and receive Christ’s gift that He has already paid for you and your sins.  It is never too late as long as you have the breath to speak forth the words that will receive life as you ask Christ to become your savior for the very first time or to ask Him to forgive you for being disobedient to His word if you are already a believer and have backslid back into the enemy’s camp for if you are not with God you are with Satan.

Either way as we continue to pray for healing for the families and the community that has been affected by this tragedy I urge you to ask the Lord Jesus into your heart to receive Him as your personal savior and Lord of your life by professing that He is the Son of God and professing your belief in Him and receive eternal life.  Whether you are a wanton soul in need of Christ or a backslider I urge you to repeat this prayer:

“Dear Jesus, come into my life, I believe that you are the Son of God and I ask you to be Lord of my life.  I repent of and ask forgiveness for my sins and I now receive the gift of eternal life as written in your word the Bible and I ask that you send the “helper” your Holy Spirit to help guide me as I now turn my heart from death to your eternal life.  It is in Jesus name I ask all of these things in prayer.  Amen.  If you have backslidden reconfirm your commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ by asking forgiveness for your sins and reconfirm your life to Jesus.

If you have said these words regardless of being a new believer or someone whom has know the Lord but chose to turn your back on Him please know that you have now taken or retaken the steps to be with the Lord forever when this world comes to an end.  I urge you to get into a Bible-based church that preaches Jesus without adding or subtracting from His word and ask God to guide you by His Holy Spirit to the one that is right for you.

If you have said this prayer I’m so excited for you and you never have to fear that if the enemy manages to entice someone like the perpetrator of this horrible crime against innocent people that if you die it all comes to an end.

No my friend you are now a part of the family of God and you will reign forever with the Lord Jesus Christ and I look forward to seeing and speaking with you for an eternity as we reign alongside our King!

Be blessed and God bless those that have been affected by the horrible tragedy in Colorado.

Ron “Big Black” Garrett